Fundraising Methods and Locations¶
Methods of Fundraising (previously Team Events) can record anything but are usually used to record the type or method of fundraising a team is engaged in - Street, Door to Door, Shopping Centre etc. Locations are used to record the location the team will be working that day. Both values are added to the team setup and then every pledge taken by that team will have the Method and Location saved against them, so they are useful for reporting purposes. They are both linked to the team, so if you update the Method of Fundraising or Location on one pledge, all pledges signed up by that team will also be updated.
Both are created by customers under the Account menu on the Teams Settings page. In the Minimum Number Required field, if you enter a value more than 1 then it will be mandatory to select at least the amount selected for Methods of Fundraising or Locations when creating a Team. Leave as 0 if you do not wish to make them mandatory. In the Maximum Number Allowed field, if you enter a value then it will not be possible to select more than that value at Team creation. Selecting 0 here will prevent you from being able to add any on Team creation.
Activate and Deactivate
Click on the eye icon next to a Method of Fundraising or Location to activate it (it will appear in the list at Team creation) or deactivate it.
You can only completely delete a Method of Fundraising or Location if it has never been used. You’ll see the bin icon next to records that haven’t been used. Clicking the icon will remove the record completely.
Key/Value data
Enter a key (for example "Location Code") and the related value (for example "SYD1009") and then press the "Add" button. This saves the key/value data against the Location or Method of Fundraising and this value is then accessible via the exports.
![[Methods of Fundraising and Locations (360004326996)_Locations.png]]
Adding Method of Fundraising to a team
Go to the Field menu and on the Teams page, click "Add a team" and here you will see the option to add the Method of Fundraising. If you update a Method of Fundraising via the edit pledge page then all pledges in that team will be updated with the new Method.
Adding Locations to a team
There are two different ways locations can be used
1) Most commonly used option is to go to the Field menu and on the Teams page, click "Add a team" and here you will see the option to add the Location. If you update a Team Location via the edit pledge page then all pledges in that team will be updated with the new Method.
2) Fundraisers who will be working multiple locations in a day can select the Location from the fundraiser form (see The Locations component can be set up with various constraints (see Article "Campaigns - Campaign Component Locales" https://waysac