Import or Update Leads¶
In Evergiving -> Import -> Leads you see two options, "Drag and drop Leads" and "Drag and drop Do Not Call List".
"Drag And Drop Leads"¶
1) You can import new leads (template :
You can use CSV or XLS/XLSX formats. You might find it easier to use XLS/XLSX. You can use Microsoft Excel but do consider using a different application, it really isn’t built for managing tables of data. Unless you’re an advanced user and know how to prevent it doing what it’s designed to do - it can cause you problems. There’s lots of great alternatives out there. Something like this is excellent.
Columns can be imported in any order
These columns are mandatory and cannot be empty: Supporter First Name, Supporter Last Name and Supporter Country Code. Any other column is optional. Evergiving will detect the fields you’re importing by matching the title of the column.
Supporter Country Code - is ISO 3166 or e.g. 'US’, ‘GB’ or ‘AU’
Phone numbers will be validated on import using the Supporter Country Code. Evergiving will detect the national phone format and if you have dropped leading zeroes in your import add them back. Invalid numbers will reject the row.
Dates are all YYYY-MM-DD, as per ISO 8601
Boolean values are ‘Yes’/’No’ or ‘True’/’False’
Currencies are ISO 4217 e.g. USD, EUR, GBP
All validated values are case insensitive e.g. you can import TRUE, True or true; USD or usd etc
Timezones are values in the tz database e.g. America/Toronto, Europe/London, or Etc/GMT+5
Payment methods allowed are Card (or value contains ‘card’), Direct Debit (or value contains ‘bank’), Wallet, and Other. You can then add anything you like in the payment method type column, e.g. ‘PayPal’ or Apple Pay for ‘Wallet’
If you think you’ve made a mistake, you can go to and delete the lead import. Please N.B. as soon as you log in as an agent and make a change to a record in the lead import, i.e. you log a call attempt or save a change to a field, you can no longer delete the lead import. You can then make it 'inactive’.
using where a number is
we wil reject the number as invalid.
2) You can also import updates to existing leads by importing a new file and filename with the following template quoting the lead ID in the Pledge ID column In addition to the columns in this template, you should be able to add any of the original import columns to update those.
You can import updates to the lead details as well as importing a call attempt outcome or final call outcome. Note required formats for start date (YYYY-MM-DD) and Date of Call Attempt (YYYY-MM-DD) and Call Datetime / Callback Datetime 2021-02-09T04:02:40. Call Status should be automatically generated based on the Call Attempt Outcome or Final Call Outcome. If the "validated by user name" is left blank, we will populate this with the name of the person importing the data.
3) You can import new records to add to a specific lead import file. Through you can import a filename which is the same as an existing filename to add new records to the original file. After you drag and drop the file, you'll see "A lead import for the same filename already exists. Records will be added to the existing import."
"Drag And Drop Do Not Call List"¶
Through "Drag and drop Do Not Call List" you can import a unique identifier (phone, email etc) and all leads with that identifier will be marked with the call status Do Not Call (template After issues with some imports hijacking the database, we've made either one email or phone number per line mandatory for import and changed the import to have just one phone number column (we check this number against the Home, Mobile & Work Phone fields). We have to resolve one outstanding issue of numbers in national format.
Importing Only Leads without errors¶
Where I upload a file with records that are invalid, show me a button that says 'Import Valid Rows Only' and where I select this option, import the valid rows and discard the invalid rows. On the invalid rows, show a button 'Download Invalid Rows to CSV', and where I select this option download a CSV of the invalid data from the browser.
Leads API¶
You can also import leads using our API:
This endpoint allows you to create new lead records to be used in the call center and supports the creation of one lead record per request. You just need to give customers the link to the apiary, a token created in the API Tokens page and the campaign name and campaign ID.
James' test using is at
You can also update leads via API - this includes any of the original fields as per the current import template but also the following. See
- Start Date
- Validation Outcome
- Validated By Username
- Validated At
- Call Username
- Call Datetime
- Call Outcome
- Final Call Outcome Label
is for creating new records, PATCH
is for updating existing ones. When using patch the url changes to something like:
(substitute :id with the id of the pledge).
An example:
POST /api/v4/leads HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Databowl/1.0
Connection: close
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdTQzOTA1LCJuYmYiOjE2Mjk5NDM5MDV9.J2wslkEJDAqzIJAQd7HoUhbNEaZ-A
Content-Type: application/json
{"data":{"address1":"","campaign_id":"4027","campaign_name":"Starlight Fundamental – Telemarketing (Fundamental Evergiving)","city":"Norwest","country":"Australia","external_reference_number":"145345245", "lead_import_label":"Dataphoria","phone":"+61412345688","postcode":"2153","source":"Dataphoria","state":"NSW", "supporter_dob":"","supporter_email":[](,"supporter_firstname":"Dataphoria",
Response Body
"supporter_lastname":"Test1","supporter_email":[](,"phone":"+61412345688","mob_phone":null, "work_phone":null,"supporter_gender":null,"supporter_dob":"","private_notes":null,"validation_detail_comment":null, "validation_detail_by":null,"validation_detail_date":null,"address1":"","city":"Norwest","state":"NSW","postcode":"2153", "country":"Australia","last_recurring_payment_amount":null,"last_recurring_payment_currency":null, "last_recurring_payment_date":null,"last_recurring_payment_frequency":null,"last_recurring_payment_payment_method":null, "last_recurring_payment_payment_method_other_type":null,"last_recurring_payment_failed":null,"last_recurring_payment_status":null, "last_recurring_payment_failed_reason":null,"total_number_of_recurring_payments_made":null,"sum_of_recurring_payments_made":null, "sum_of_recurring_payments_made_currency":null,"highest_recurring_payment_made":null,"highest_recurring_payment_made_currency":null, "last_single_payment_amount":null,"last_single_payment_currency":null,"last_single_payment_date":null,"last_single_payment_payment_method":null, "last_single_payment_payment_method_other_type":null,"last_single_payment_failed":null,"last_single_payment_status":null, "last_single_payment_failed_reason":null,"total_number_of_single_payments_made":null,"sum_of_single_payments_made":null, "sum_of_single_payments_made_currency":null,"highest_single_payment_made":null,"highest_single_payment_made_currency":null,"previous_upgrade_date":null, "previous_upgrade_amount":null,"previous_upgrade_amount_currency":null,"last_contact_date":null,"last_contact_method":null,"product":null,"child_sponsored":null, "source":"Dataphoria","source_campaign_name":null,"source_date":null,"source_time":null,"preference":null,"interest":null,"conversation_topic":null, "activity":null,"volunteered":null,"volunteered_type":null,"petition_signed":null,"petition_type":null,"appeal":null,"appeal_type":null,"event_participant":null, "event_participant_type":null,"campaigner":null,"supporter_timezone":null,"call_datetime":null,"call_outcome":null,"final_call_outcome_id":null,"errors":
Duplicates and lead import API
Through we released duplicate features L
duplicates are correctly flagged for supporter_email phone mob_phone work_phone
- if campaign name is provided duplicates are scope to only leads with matching campaign
- if campaign is not present then duplicate is flagged for any account leads
- an error is returned if the lead is a duplicate
- if
param is given with value ofinsert
then duplicate records are inserted
For the API POST
is for creating new records, PATCH
is for updating existing ones.