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The Admin Operations user is crucial for maintaining security, managing campaigns, and ensuring that the right data is accessible to the right team members.


The user page can be viewed in two ways:

  • interface/account/img/a120e2ed2c5e3dd7feac8d9a43b8503f_MD5.jpeg Users / Overview
  • interface/account/img/2093b6875191b90842095b4169e51f8d_MD5.jpeg Users / Permissions

User Overview Page

The User Overview page provides a list of all the Admin Operation users in the system, along with essential details, such as name, email, role, and last login date. It allows for easy management of user accounts, editing, and role assignments.

Fields on the User Overview Page:

Field Description
Name The full name of the user.
Email The user's email address.
Username The unique login username for the user.
Office The office associated with the user (if applicable).
Role The role assigned to the user (Roles that are not Admin Operations are legacy).
Last Login The last time the user logged into the system.
Edit/Delete Options to edit or delete the user from the system.

Permissions Page

The Permissions page offers a more detailed look at what access each user has. It allows administrators to set granular permissions for each user, including what features they can access and whether they can view or modify data.

Fields on the Permissions Page:

Column Description
Name The full name of the user.
Office The office associated with the user (if applicable).
Only Campaign Whether the user is limited to access only specific campaign data.
2FA Shows whether two-factor authentication is enabled for the user.
Dashboards Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Restrict user to these Dashboards only Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Campaign Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Call Center Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Field Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Donors Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Retention Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Payroll Section (Rules) Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Payroll Section (Entries) Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Private Notes Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Territories Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Import Pledges Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Import Leads Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Export Section (Pledges) Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Export Section (Fundraisers) Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Account Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Achievements Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Training Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing
Assets Section Disallowed, Read Only, Allow Viewing and Editing

Managing Campaigns:

For Admin Operations, the Only Campaign field ensures that users are restricted to the campaigns they are responsible for. Campaign Managers are automatically attributed to their respective campaigns, allowing them to monitor performance and gather insights without accessing other unrelated data.



Use this to limit the list of user account that are active or retired.

Add Filter

Press the Add a Filter button to filter by role.

Use the search box to filter the list by text.

Add Users

Press the Add User button to add users.


Each user’s username will be generated with the suffix for your account (e.g.,