Create achievement


Set goals to your fundraisers and create challenges for your teams by creating Achievements.

Each Achievement can be unlocked if the fundraiser reaches all the Achievement's conditions.

If an Achievement in unlocked, a number of points will be attributed to the fundraiser.
You can use the Achievement feature to add gamification to your fundraising campaigns.

The Achievements are visible in the fundraiser's dashboard. Please contact our support at to enable this feature in your account.

Click on Create Achievement to add an Achievement, or click on an existing achievement to edit it.

Click on Create Achievement to add an achievements, or click on an existing achievement to edit it.

If you don’t add a time range in the conditions, the default time range will be the calendar month - at the beginning of next month, the fundraiser will start over.

The leaderboard showing which Achievements have been achieved by which Fundraisers is available at by clicking on the Achievements icon:

Achievements and Training (360002251875)_Achievements.png