Edit achievement
Achievement Details
Edit the Achievement Details:
- Name: Name of the Achievement.
- Description: Description of the Achievement. Try to explain in a short and clear way how the fundraiser can unlock the Achievement.
- Points: Number of points collected by the fundraiser if he unlocks the Achievement.
- Conditions: Add the condition(s). Like in the Export Builder, you can choose between ALL or ANY of this conditions must be satisfied. You can create Achievement using the donor's age, the number of pledges, the pledge' status, pledge amount, etc.
Note: If you don't add a time range in the conditions, the default time range will be the calendar month. At the beginning of next month, the fundraiser will start over.
The calculations will start from the day the achievement was created.
Achievement Design
- Graphic: You can add a graphic to your achievement. Select one of the graphic in our library, or upload your own.
- Colour: Select the colour of your Achievement.
Achievement Preview
Preview of the design of your Achievement. It will appear this way on the fundraiser's dashboard.
Click on Save Changes to save the modifications, or on Delete Achievement to remove it. This action can't be undone.