Campaign managers

Campaign Managers Overview

Sometimes known as Coach, Field Operations or just Manager, a Campaign Manager is a frontline manager that is responsible for a number of teams but may also be set up as a Fundraiser in the system.

In this overview you can see the Campaign Managers and all the stats from teams assigned to the Campaign Managers.

Restriction and visibility over the fundraisers:

A campaign manger can only manage the fundraisers assigned to him. A campaign manager can only add fundraisers in a team if they are assigned to him or not assigned to any other campaign manager at all. Admin user can see, edit or add in a team any fundraiser.

A Campaign Manager can only see Fundraisers attributed to her/his office when creating a new team.

A Campaign Manager can see all the pledges attributed to her/his office (and only from her/his office)

It is not possible to create a Campaign Manager without office in Evergiving or in waysact.

If the option Restrict Campaign Manager: Force campaign managers to see only data attributed to them is enabled, the CM will see only the pledges in her/his office and attributed to her/him.

If you change the office of a Campaign Manager, the Fundraisers assigned to her/him will remain in their current office, and won't have any Campaign Manager any more.

If a pledge is attributed to a Campaign Manager, but the Campaign Manager is now in a different office than when the pledge was created, the Campaign Manager can not see the pledge any more, even if Restrict Campaign Manager: Force campaign managers to see only data attributed to them is enabled is disabled -> no access to historical data

The pledge is attributed to the office of the campaign manager of the team, not to the office of the fundraiser

Creating a Campaign Manager

Adding a Campaign Manager is easy but can only be done by the Administrator, Manager or Logistics users. Just click on the ‘Add a Campaign Manager’ button and enter the following information (following fields are mandatory):

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Email
  • Mobile phone number
  • Username
  • Password
  • Roles

A Campaign Manager can either be Active or Retired. When creating or editing a Campaign Manager, you can also give him the 'Fundraiser' role, which will allow the Campaign Manager to also have access to the Campaign Form and to take Pledges.

Deleting / Retiring a Campaign Manager

It is not possible to completely delete a Campaign Manager. Instead they are 'retired' by going to the User tab and selecting 'Retire User' in the Danger Zone. After this, the user will no longer have access to the system and their name will be moved to the 'Inactive' section in the Campaign Manager tab. Their statistics will be preserved and will be updated as changes are made to pledges.

Reactivating a Campaign Manager

To reactivate a Campaign Manager, go to the 'Inactive' section on the Campaign Managers screen and select 'Active' beside that user's name. The user will then be fully restored and will be moved back to the 'Active' tab.

Updating a Campaign Manager

To make changes to an existing Campaign Manager, navigate to Campaign Managers section and click on the 'Edit' icon beside the name of the Campaign Manager you would like to update.

Campaign Manager Roles

Campaign Managers can be added as fundraisers so that they can be added to teams. Once added as a fundraiser they can also have the Campaign Manager status removed from them, effectively demoting them. Conversely it is also possible to promote a fundraiser in the same way. This is all managed via the User edit page, under "Roles".