
Fundraisers Overview
On this page you can see all your Fundraisers and their results.
You can quickly sort the Fundraisers per number of pledges created, or hours worked, etc.

Retiring a Fundraiser
It is not possible to delete a Fundraiser. Instead they are 'retired' by going to the User tab and selecting 'Retire User' in the Danger Zone. After this, the user will no longer have access to the system and their name will be moved to the 'Inactive' section in the Fundraiser tab. Their statistics will be preserved and will be updated as changes are made to pledges.

Reactivating a Fundraiser
To reactivate a Fundraiser, go to the 'Inactive' section on the Fundraiser tab and select 'Active' beside that user's name. The user will then be fully restored and will be moved back to the 'Active' tab.

Updating a Fundraiser
To make changes to an existing Fundraiser click on 'Edit' icon beside the name of the Fundraiser you would like to update.