Locations Import¶
You can manually created Team locations under Account > Team Settings, or you can also import a .csv or .xls file with the following columns:
- Name: Name of the location. Must be unique. Mandatory field
- Status: "Active" or "Inactive". Mandatory field
- Latitude: Latitude of the location. Optional field
- Longitude: Longitude of the location. Optional field
Data: Use this column to import Key/Value for the location. Please respect the format in the example below. Optional field
If you import an already existing location, it will not be imported.
- If you import a location and it is already in the system with a different status (Active/Inactive), it will be imported.
- It is currently not possible to update data of locations at the moment by importing a new file with new data.
Example of format to to import locations:
10004 - Berlin - Landersbergallee,Active,,,"[{""key"":""TicketPreis"", ""value"":""0.6""},{""key"":""Fahrzeit"", ""value"":""0.15""}]"