Agent timesheets

This overview shows you the fundraising hours and interactions hours of every fundraiser in your account.

The results automatically aggregate from the fundraiser to the team leader, their manager and to the whole campaign. Your payroll manager or accountant can a view the hours worked for each fundraiser.

Switch the time range by clicking on Week or Day.
By clicking on the arrow left and right around the time range, you can go to the previous day/week, or the following day/week.

Fundraising hours: number of hours worked. When a fundraiser is assigned to a team, the default number of hours will be added to his fundraising hours. You can edit the time or add an absence in the team logs (currently only available on Waysact).

Interaction hours: Only for Track'n'Snap user. Time between the first and the last interaction during a day.

Under Account > Timesheet settings, you can define a daily or hourly rate for interaction and fundraising hours. It is possible to export the total commission amount (number of hours worked x rate) in the Fundraiser export builder.

You can track also other type of Non-Fundraising Hours. After creating it in Account > Timesheet settings, it will appear on this page. You can manually enter the number of hours for this type of work. You can have more than one type of Non-Fundraising hours for which the fundraiser could be paid (training, commuting time,...)