Description: Mandatory field. Enter a description of the payroll rule. This description will be shown in the payroll rules overview.
Applies to fundraiser level: Mandatory field. Enter the fundraiser level the rule should apply to. You can only enter one level per rule.
First Reporting Week: Mandatory field. Enter the first reporting week, when this rule should start being active.
Last Reporting Week: (optional) Enter the last reporting week, when this rule should stop being active.
When Campaign is any of: Select the campaign(s) the rule should apply to.
And Donation amount (any currency) is: (optional) Enter a minimum or maximum donation amount.
And Supporter age at signup is: (optional) Enter a minimum or maximum supporter age at signup.
And Donation frequency is any of: (optional) Select a donation frequency.
And Validation outcome is any of: (optional) Select a validation outcome
And Validation outcome status is any of: (optional) Select a pledge status
Then award Commission: Mandatory field. Enter the commission that the fundraiser should receive if the criteria are met.