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List of Export Type Sources


Source Description
Agent Active? Indicates if the agent is currently active
Agent Call Time (Minutes) Total call time by the agent in minutes
Agent Dial Time (Minutes) Total dial time by the agent in minutes
Agent Email Address Email address of the agent
Agent External Reference External reference identifier for the agent
Agent First Name First name of the agent
Agent Hours Total working hours of the agent
Agent Last Name Last name of the agent
Agent Level Level or rank of the agent
Agent Pause Time (Minutes) Total pause time taken by the agent in minutes
Agent Phone Number Phone number of the agent
Agent Preview Time (Minutes) Time taken by the agent to preview information in minutes
Agent Talk Time (Minutes) Total talk time by the agent in minutes
Agent User Code Unique user code for the agent
Agent User ID Unique user ID for the agent
Agent Username Username of the agent
Agent Wait Time (Minutes) Total wait time by the agent in minutes
Agent Wrap Time (Minutes) Total wrap-up time by the agent in minutes
Blank Placeholder or empty field
Call Attempts Number of call attempts made
Date Range End End date of the data range
Date Range Start Start date of the data range
Export - Date/time when a GPG encrypted export is run - blank until run Date/time of the GPG encrypted export run
Final Call Outcome Counts Counts of final call outcomes
Key/Value data from Agent Key/value data collected from the agent
Key/Value data from Agent (comma separated) Key/value data collected from the agent, comma-separated
Leads Number of leads handled
Number of Abandoned Call Attempts
Number of Answer Machine Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Busy Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Call Attempts
Number of Callback Agent Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Callback Call Attempts
Number of Callback Queue Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Completed Call Attempts
Number of Disconnected Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Do Not Call Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Do Not Call Call Attempts
Number of Hours Worked
Number of Invalid Number Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of No Answer Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Pending Call Attempts
Number of Pledges
Number of Removed Call Attempts
Number of Telco Error Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of Voice Mail Left Call Attempt Outcomes
Number of converted leads to one off donation from digital
Number of converted leads to one off donation from lead import
Number of converted leads to one off donation total
Number of converted leads to one off donations from face to face
Number of converted leads to one off donations from social distancing
Number of converted leads to recurring donation from digital
Number of converted leads to recurring donation from lead import
Number of converted leads to recurring donation total
Number of converted leads to recurring donations from face to face
Number of converted leads to recurring donations from social distancing
Pay Unit Unit of payment
Payment Amount Per Day Payment amount per day
Payment Amount Per Hour Payment amount per hour
Row Number Row number in the dataset
Team Agent Hours Total team agent hours
Timesheet Hours for “Test %” Timesheet hours for "Test %"
Timesheet Hours for “Training hours” Timesheet hours for training
JavaScript Custom JavaScript


Source Description
Blank Placeholder or empty field
Date Range End End date of the date range
Date Range Start Start date of the date range
Export - Date/time when a GPG encrypted export is run - blank until run Date/time of the GPG encrypted export run
Frontliner Active? Indicates if the frontliner is active
Frontliner Email Address Email address of the frontliner
Frontliner External Reference External reference for the frontliner
Frontliner First Name First name of the frontliner
Frontliner Last Name Last name of the frontliner
Frontliner Level Level or rank of the frontliner
Frontliner Phone Number Phone number of the frontliner
Frontliner User Code User code of the frontliner
Frontliner User ID User ID of the frontliner
Frontliner Username Username of the frontliner
Interactions Number of interactions
Key/Value data from Fundraiser Key/value data from the fundraiser
Key/Value data from Fundraiser (comma separated) Key/value data from the fundraiser, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Fundraiser’s Office Key/value data from the fundraiser’s office
Key/Value data from Fundraiser’s Office (comma separated) Key/value data from the fundraiser’s office, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Fundraiser’s Timesheet Level Key/value data from the fundraiser’s timesheet level
Key/Value data from Fundraiser’s Timesheet Level (comma separated) Key/value data from the fundraiser’s timesheet level, comma-separated
Manager Active? Indicates if the manager is active
Manager's Email Address Email address of the manager
Manager's First Name First name of the manager
Manager's Last Name Last name of the manager
Manager's Phone Number Phone number of the manager
Manager's User Code User code of the manager
Manager's User Name Username of the manager
Name of Frontliner's Office Name of the frontliner's office
Number of Days Worked Total number of days worked
Number of Hours Worked Total number of hours worked
Number of Interaction Hours Total number of interaction hours
Number of Pledges Total number of pledges
Number of Pledges Converted Callback Number of pledges converted from callbacks
Number of Pledges in State "Alien" Number of pledges in the state "Alien"
Number of Pledges in State "Approved" Number of pledges in the state "Approved"
Number of Pledges in State "Cancelled" Number of pledges in the state "Cancelled"
Number of Pledges in State "Invalid" Number of pledges in the state "Invalid"
Number of Pledges in State "Pending" Number of pledges in the state "Pending"
Number of Pledges with Any Phone Number Captured Number of pledges with any phone number captured
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Address Opt Out" Number of pledges with contact consent "Address Opt Out"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Address" Number of pledges with contact consent "Address"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Email" Number of pledges with contact consent "Email"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Home Phone" Number of pledges with contact consent "Home Phone"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Mobile Phone" Number of pledges with contact consent "Mobile Phone"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Mobile SMS" Number of pledges with contact consent "Mobile SMS"
Number of Pledges with Contact Consent "Work Phone" Number of pledges with contact consent "Work Phone"
Number of Pledges with Contact Preference "Do Not Contact" Number of pledges with contact preference "Do Not Contact"
Number of Pledges with Contact Preference "Email" Number of pledges with contact preference "Email"
Number of Pledges with Contact Preference "Mail" Number of pledges with contact preference "Mail"
Number of Pledges with Contact Preference "Phone" Number of pledges with contact preference "Phone"
Number of Pledges with Contact Preference "SMS" Number of pledges with contact preference "SMS"
Number of Pledges with Donor Gender Female Number of pledges with donor gender female
Number of Pledges with Donor Gender Male Number of pledges with donor gender male
Number of Pledges with Email Captured Number of pledges with email captured
Number of Pledges with Email Delivered Number of pledges with email delivered
Number of Pledges with Mobile Phone Number Captured Number of pledges with mobile phone number captured
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Annual" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Annual"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Donation" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Donation"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Fortnightly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Fortnightly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Four-Weekly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Four-Weekly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Half-Yearly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Half-Yearly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Monthly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Monthly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Quarterly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Quarterly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Frequency "Weekly" Number of pledges with payment frequency "Weekly"
Number of Pledges with Payment Method "Credit Card" Number of pledges with payment method "Credit Card"
Number of Pledges with Payment Method "Direct Debit" Number of pledges with payment method "Direct Debit"
Number of Pledges with Payment Method "Other" Number of pledges with payment method "Other"
Number of Pledges with Payment Method "RGPSMS" Number of pledges with payment method "RGPSMS"
Pay Unit Unit of payment (e.g., hourly, daily)
Payment Amount Per Day Payment amount per day
Payment Amount Per Hour Payment amount per hour
Row Number Row number in the dataset
Teams Information about teams
Timesheet Hours for “Test %” Timesheet hours for "Test %"
Timesheet Hours for “Training hours” Timesheet hours for training
Total Amount Total amount of pledges or donations
Total Amount Per Month Total amount per month
Total Amount of Annual Payments Total amount of annual payments
Total Amount of Donations Total amount of donations
Total Amount of Fort-nightly Payments Total amount of fortnightly payments
Total Amount of Four-weekly Payments Total amount of four-weekly payments
Total Amount of Half-Yearly Payments Total amount of half-yearly payments
Total Amount of Monthly Payments Total amount of monthly payments
Total Amount of Quarterly Payments Total amount of quarterly payments
Total Amount of Weekly Payments Total amount of weekly payments
Total Number of Credit Card Failed Validations Total number of credit card failed validations
Total Number of Direct Debit Failed Validations Total number of direct debit failed validations
Total Timesheet Hours Total timesheet hours
Training Modules Information about training modules
JavaScript Custom Javascript


Source Description
Account type Type of account
Account's timezone - timezone the account is set to Timezone set for the account
Address Contact Consent Consent for address contact
Address Contact Opt Out Consent Opt-out consent for address contact
Address flagged? Indicates if the address is flagged
All Call Recordings URLs for all call recordings
Approved On Date Date when approved
Bank Account Holder Name Name of the bank account holder
Bank Account Number Bank account number
Bank BSB, RTN, Sort Code or Branch Number Bank's BSB, RTN, sort code, or branch number
Bank Card: Bank Address Bank card's bank address
Bank Card: Bank Phone Bank card's bank phone number
Bank Card: Bank Website Bank card's bank website
Bank Card: Info Additional information about the bank card
Bank IBAN - International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Bank's IBAN
Bank IBAN BIC Code Bank's IBAN BIC code
Bank IBAN Bank Address Bank's IBAN bank address
Bank IBAN Bank Branch Bank's IBAN bank branch
Bank IBAN Bank Name Name of the bank for IBAN
Bank IBAN Country Country of the bank for IBAN
Bank IBAN SEPA Support SEPA support for IBAN
Bank Identification Code (BIC) or SWIFT Bank Identification Code (BIC) or SWIFT
Bank account validation attempts that failed Failed attempts to validate the bank account
Bank manual validation outcome (AU only) Manual validation outcome for AU banks
Bank or Financial Institution: Address Address of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Appco Code Appco code of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Branch Code Branch code of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Branch Name Branch name of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Code Code of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Country Country of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Name Name of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Post Code Post code of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: State State of the bank or financial institution
Bank or Financial Institution: Suburb Suburb of the bank or financial institution
Banwire Order ID Banwire order ID
Blank Placeholder or empty field
Call Attempt Count Number of call attempts
Call Connected Count Number of connected calls
Call Outcome 1 First call outcome
Call Outcome 1 Made By Agent who made the first call outcome
Call Outcome 2 Second call outcome
Call Outcome 2 Made By Agent who made the second call outcome
Call Outcome 3 Third call outcome
Call Outcome 3 Made By Agent who made the third call outcome
Call Outcome 4 Fourth call outcome
Call Outcome 4 Made By Agent who made the fourth call outcome
Call Outcome 5 Fifth call outcome
Call Outcome 5 Made By Agent who made the fifth call outcome
Call Outcome 6 Sixth call outcome
Call Outcome 6 Made By Agent who made the sixth call outcome
Call Outcome Count Total count of call outcomes
Calls Number of calls
Campaign Child Regions Set Name Name of the campaign child regions set
Campaign Country Country of the campaign
Campaign Locale Locale of the campaign
Campaign Name Name of the campaign
Campaign Prefix Prefix of the campaign
Campaign Shopping Centres Set Name Name of the campaign shopping centres set
Campaign Start Date Start date of the campaign
Campaign's Charity Name Charity name associated with the campaign
Cancellation Category Category of the cancellation
Cancellation Imported Week Week when the cancellation was imported
Cancellation Imported Week Overridden Overridden week when the cancellation was imported
Cancellation Imported Week Year Year when the cancellation was imported
Cancellation Outcome Outcome of the cancellation
Cancelled Reason Reason for the cancellation
Card BIN - Bank Identification Number (BIN) Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the card
Card Bank Account number Bank account number of the card
Card Brand - Mastercard, Visa etc Brand of the card (e.g., Mastercard, Visa)
Card Display or Masked Value Display or masked value of the card
Card Expiry Month Expiry month of the card
Card Expiry Year Expiry year of the card
Card Holder Name Name of the card holder
Card Issuer Issuing bank of the card
Card Issuer Country Code Country code of the card issuer
Card Issuer Country Name Country name of the card issuer
Card Level - Classic, Gold, Platinum etc Level of the card (e.g., Classic, Gold, Platinum)
Card Payment Response Message Response message for the card payment
Card Payment Transaction Reference Transaction reference for the card payment
Card Payment gateway token Payment gateway token for the card
Card Type - Debit, Credit, Prepaid etc Type of the card (e.g., Debit, Credit, Prepaid)
Card Validation attempts that failed Failed attempts to validate the card
Child region (other data) Other data about the child region
Child's Gender Gender of the child
Child's Name Name of the child
Child's Name And Gender Name and gender of the child
Child's Profile Number Profile number of the child
Child's Region Region of the child
Child's Selection Selection criteria for the child
Child's Sponsorship Sponsorship details of the child
Children Information about children
Comments Additional comments
Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index data
Contact Preferences Contact preferences of the supporter
Converted Callback: Conversion Date Date when the callback was converted
Credit Card Type Type of credit card
Credit card bin BIN of the credit card
Creditcard Credit card information
Currency locale Locale for the currency
Custom #1 (other data) Custom field #1 with other data
Custom #2 (other data) Custom field #2 with other data
Custom #3 (other data) Custom field #3 with other data
Custom #4 (other data) Custom field #4 with other data
Custom #5 (other data) Custom field #5 with other data
Custom Field #1 Custom field #1
Custom Field #2 Custom field #2
Custom Field #3 Custom field #3
Custom Field #4 Custom field #4
Custom Field #5 Custom field #5
Debit Communications Debit communications data
Debit Tax Debit tax information
Direct debit type Type of direct debit
Direct debit validation status Validation status of the direct debit
Donation on behalf of Donation made on behalf of someone
Donation on behalf of Pledge Donation made on behalf of a pledge
Donation on behalf of campaign serial number Donation made on behalf of a campaign serial number
Donation on behalf of formatted campaign serial number Donation made on behalf of a formatted campaign serial number
EARN 1 Earnings category 1
EARN 10 Earnings category 10
EARN 11 Earnings category 11
EARN 12 Earnings category 12
EARN 2 Earnings category 2
EARN 3 Earnings category 3
EARN 4 Earnings category 4
EARN 5 Earnings category 5
EARN 6 Earnings category 6
EARN 7 Earnings category 7
EARN 8 Earnings category 8
EARN 9 Earnings category 9
EISCD Details: BIC EISCD details: BIC
EISCD Details: Bank Name EISCD details: bank name
EISCD Details: Branch Address 2 EISCD details: branch address 2
EISCD Details: Branch Name EISCD details: branch name
EISCD Details: Branch Phone EISCD details: branch phone
EISCD Details: Branch Post Code EISCD details: branch post code
EISCD Details: Branch State EISCD details: branch state
EISCD Details: Branch Town EISCD details: branch town
EISCD Details: Chaps EISCD details: CHAPS
EISCD Details: Direct Debit EISCD details: direct debit
EISCD Details: Faster Payments EISCD details: faster payments
EISCD Details: Sort Code EISCD details: sort code
Email Contact Consent Consent for email contact
Export - Date/time when a GPG encrypted export is run - blank until run Date/time of the GPG encrypted export run
Export Reference Number Reference number for the export
ExportBuilderEditor.sources.eiscdBranchAddresss1 EISCD branch address 1 in ExportBuilderEditor
Exported High Security At Date/time when exported with high security
External Reference Number External reference number
Final Call Outcome Validated By Person who validated the final call outcome
Financial Institution: Name Name of the financial institution
First Spreedly instant payment token First Spreedly instant payment token
Formatted Per-Campaign Serial Number Formatted serial number per campaign
Frontliner User Code Frontliner user code
Frontliner User ID Frontliner user ID
Frontliner Username Frontliner username
Fundraiser Code Fundraiser code
Fundraiser Score Fundraiser score
Fundraiser full name Full name of the fundraiser
Gift Aid - Yes or No Indicates if gift aid is applicable
Gifts Information about gifts
Has valid direct debit? Indicates if there is a valid direct debit
Have Heard Of Indicates if the supporter has heard of the campaign
Home Phone Contact Consent Consent for home phone contact
ID Type (other data) Other data for ID type
ID type sighted Indicates if the ID type was sighted
Interested In (other data) Other data for interests
Is Converted Callback? Indicates if the callback is converted
Is duplicate pledge? Indicates if the pledge is a duplicate
Is interested in volunteering? Indicates if the supporter is interested in volunteering
Key/Value data from Campaign Manager Key/value data from the campaign manager
Key/Value data from Campaign Manager (comma separated) Key/value data from the campaign manager, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Cancellation Category Key/value data from the cancellation category
Key/Value data from Cancellation Category (comma separated) Key/value data from the cancellation category, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Cancellation Outcome Key/value data from the cancellation outcome
Key/Value data from Cancellation Outcome (comma separated) Key/value data from the cancellation outcome, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Digital Form Key/value data from the digital form
Key/Value data from Digital Form (comma separated) Key/value data from the digital form, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Final Call Outcome Key/value data from the final call outcome
Key/Value data from Final Call Outcome (comma separated) Key/value data from the final call outcome, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Fundraiser Key/value data from the fundraiser
Key/Value data from Fundraiser (comma separated) Key/value data from the fundraiser, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Script and Export Key/value data from the script and export
Key/Value data from Team Locations Key/value data from team locations
Key/Value data from Team Locations (comma separated) Key/value data from team locations, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Team Methods of Fundraising Key/value data from team methods of fundraising
Key/Value data from Team Methods of Fundraising (comma separated) Key/value data from team methods of fundraising, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Team Territories Key/value data from team territories
Key/Value data from Team Territories (comma separated) Key/value data from team territories, comma-separated
Key/Value data from Validation Outcome Key/value data from the validation outcome
Key/Value data from Validation Outcome (comma separated) Key/value data from the validation outcome, comma-separated
Lead Address 1 First address of the lead
Lead Created At Creation date of the lead
Lead Import Creation Date Creation date of the lead import
Lead Import Label Label for the lead import
Location Location information
Location type Type of location
Location type (other data) Other data for location type
Methods of Fundraising, comma-separated Methods of fundraising, comma-separated
Mobile Phone Contact Consent Consent for mobile phone contact
Mobile SMS Contact Consent Consent for mobile SMS contact
Mobilexpress Customer ID Mobilexpress customer ID
Most Recent Call Recording URL of the most recent call recording
Most Recent Card Payment Message Most recent card payment message
Most Recent Card Payment Token Most recent card payment token
Most Recent Card Payment Transaction Id Most recent card payment transaction ID
Names of Team's Territories, comma-separated Names of the team's territories, comma-separated
Office Name Name of the office
Original Lead Data Original data of the lead
Override reporting week? Indicates if the reporting week was overridden
Payment Declined Message Message for declined payment
Payment Express Authorization Code Payment Express authorization code
Payment Express Response Code Payment Express response code
Payment Express Transaction Reference Payment Express transaction reference
Payment Result Receipt Number Receipt number for the payment result
Payment month Payment month
Payments Information about payments
Per-Campaign Serial Number Serial number per campaign
Pledge - number of payments made Number of payments made for the pledge
Pledge Cancellation Date Cancellation date of the pledge
Pledge Cancellation Reason Reason for the pledge cancellation
Pledge ID ID of the pledge
Pledge Reporting Week/Year Reporting week/year for the pledge
Pledge Status Status of the pledge
Pledge Validation Block: Contact Made? Indicates if contact was made in the pledge validation block
Pledge Validation Block: Private Notes Private notes in the pledge validation block
Pledge Validation Block: Validated By Person who validated the pledge
Pledge Validation Block: Validated Date Date when the pledge was validated
Pledge Validation Block: Wrap Notes Wrap notes in the pledge validation block
Pledge creation date - date on the device used to capture the pledge when the pledge was captured, or conversion date for leads Date of pledge creation or lead conversion
Pledge reporting Date Reporting date of the pledge
Pledge reporting Week Reporting week of the pledge
Preferred phone Preferred phone number
Prefers email updates? Indicates if the supporter prefers email updates
Products Information about products
Profession (other data) Other data for profession
Receive Communication Indicates if the supporter receives communication
Record Interaction Record of interactions
Record Source Source of the record
Record Type Type of the record
Record last updated date Last updated date of the record
Regular Giving Per SMS Regular giving per SMS
Regular giving Information about regular giving
Response to Survey Question #1 Response to survey question #1
Response to Survey Question #2 Response to survey question #2
Response to Survey Question #3 Response to survey question #3
Response to Survey Question #4 Response to survey question #4
Response to Survey Question #5 Response to survey question #5
Row Number Row number in the dataset
SMS Delivery Status Delivery status of SMS
Script and Export Script and export data
Secondary person's date of birth Date of birth of the secondary person
Secondary person's first name First name of the secondary person
Secondary person's gender Gender of the secondary person
Secondary person's last name Last name of the secondary person
Secondary person's title Title of the secondary person
Secure Trading Transaction Reference Secure trading transaction reference
Segmentation: Activity Segmentation based on activity
Segmentation: Appeal Segmentation based on appeal
Segmentation: Appeal type Type of appeal for segmentation
Segmentation: Campaigner Segmentation based on campaigner
Segmentation: Card type Segmentation based on card type
Segmentation: Child sponsored Segmentation based on child sponsorship
Segmentation: Conversation topic Segmentation based on conversation topic
Segmentation: Event participant Segmentation based on event participation
Segmentation: Event participant type Type of event participant for segmentation
Segmentation: Group Segmentation based on group
Segmentation: Highest recurring payment made Segmentation based on highest recurring payment made
Segmentation: Highest recurring payment made currency Currency of the highest recurring payment made
Segmentation: Highest single payment made Segmentation based on highest single payment made
Segmentation: Highest single payment made currency Currency of the highest single payment made
Segmentation: Interest Segmentation based on interest
Segmentation: Last contact date Date of last contact for segmentation
Segmentation: Last contact method Method of last contact for segmentation
Segmentation: Last recurring payment amount Amount of last recurring payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last recurring payment currency Currency of the last recurring payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last recurring payment date Date of last recurring payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last recurring payment failed Indicates if the last recurring payment failed
Segmentation: Last recurring payment failed reason Reason for last recurring payment failure
Segmentation: Last recurring payment frequency Frequency of last recurring payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last recurring payment payment method Payment method of last recurring payment
Segmentation: Last recurring payment payment method other type Other type of payment method for last recurring payment
Segmentation: Last recurring payment status Status of last recurring payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last single payment amount Amount of last single payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last single payment currency Currency of the last single payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last single payment date Date of last single payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Last single payment failed Indicates if the last single payment failed
Segmentation: Last single payment failed reason Reason for last single payment failure
Segmentation: Last single payment payment method Payment method of last single payment
Segmentation: Last single payment payment method other type Other type of payment method for last single payment
Segmentation: Last single payment status Status of last single payment for segmentation
Segmentation: Petition signed Indicates if a petition was signed for segmentation
Segmentation: Petition type Type of petition for segmentation
Segmentation: Preference Preferences for segmentation
Segmentation: Previous upgrade amount Previous upgrade amount for segmentation
Segmentation: Previous upgrade amount currency Currency of the previous upgrade amount
Segmentation: Previous upgrade date Date of previous upgrade for segmentation
Segmentation: Product Product for segmentation
Segmentation: Source Source for segmentation
Segmentation: Source campaign name Source campaign name for segmentation
Segmentation: Source date Source date for segmentation
Segmentation: Source time Source time for segmentation
Segmentation: Sum of recurring payments made Sum of recurring payments made for segmentation
Segmentation: Sum of recurring payments made currency Currency of the sum of recurring payments made
Segmentation: Sum of single payments made Sum of single payments made for segmentation
Segmentation: Sum of single payments made currency Currency of the sum of single payments made
Segmentation: Total number of recurring payments made Total number of recurring payments made for segmentation
Segmentation: Total number of single payments made Total number of single payments made for segmentation
Segmentation: Tract Tract for segmentation
Segmentation: Volunteered Indicates if the supporter volunteered for segmentation
Segmentation: Volunteered type Type of volunteering for segmentation
Share Details with other Organisations Indicates if details are shared with other organisations
Shopping centre Information about the shopping centre
Shopping centre (other data) Other data about the shopping centre
Signup address: Admin Area Name Admin area name of the signup address
Signup address: Block Block of the signup address
Signup address: Building Name Building name of the signup address
Signup address: Building Number Building number of the signup address
Signup address: District District of the signup address
Signup address: Neighborhood Neighborhood of the signup address
Signup address: Province Name Province name of the signup address
Signup address: Street Street of the signup address
Signup address: Sub Building Sub building of the signup address
State: Alien? Indicates if the state is alien
State: Approved? Indicates if the state is approved
State: Cancelled? Indicates if the state is cancelled
State: Invalid? Indicates if the state is invalid
State: Pending? Indicates if the state is pending
Stripe Customer ID Stripe customer ID
Supporter Email delivery status - The most recent event recorded against the pledge Delivery status of the supporter email
Supporter Payment Frequency Frequency of supporter payments
Supporter Payment day Day of supporter payment
Supporter Payment method Method of supporter payment
Supporter Personal identification number Personal identification number of the supporter
Supporter Telephone - Home Phone Number Home phone number of the supporter
Supporter Telephone - Mobile phone number Mobile phone number of the supporter
Supporter Telephone - Work phone Work phone number of the supporter
Supporter Timezone Timezone of the supporter
Supporter age at pledge creation time Age of the supporter at the time of pledge creation
Supporter amount - current payment or donation amount Current payment or donation amount of the supporter
Supporter amount - original payment or donation amount submitted with pledge Original payment or donation amount submitted with the pledge
Supporter current age Current age of the supporter
Supporter date of birth Date of birth of the supporter
Supporter email address Email address of the supporter
Supporter first name First name of the supporter
Supporter full name Full name of the supporter
Supporter gender Gender of the supporter
Supporter income Income of the supporter
Supporter initials Initials of the supporter
Supporter interests Interests of the supporter
Supporter last name Last name of the supporter
Supporter preferred means of communication Preferred means of communication of the supporter
Supporter primary address: Admin Area Name Admin area name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Block Block of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Building Name Building name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Building Number Building number of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Company Name Company name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: District District of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: GB house name GB house name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: GB house number GB house number of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: GB street name GB street name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Neighborhood Neighborhood of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Province Name Province name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Street Street of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: Sub Building Sub building of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: city City of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: country name Country name of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: country two-letter code Two-letter country code of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: line 1 Line 1 of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: line 2 Line 2 of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: post or zip code Post or zip code of the supporter's primary address
Supporter primary address: state State of the supporter's primary address
Supporter profession Profession of the supporter
Supporter secondary address: address: Admin Area Name Admin area name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Block Block of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Building Name Building name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Building Number Building number of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Company Name Company name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: District District of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: GB house name GB house name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: GB house number GB house number of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: GB street name GB street name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Neighborhood Neighborhood of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Province Name Province name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Street Street of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: Sub Building Sub building of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: city City of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: country name Country name of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: country two-letter code Two-letter country code of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: line 1 Line 1 of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: line 2 Line 2 of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: post or zip code Post or zip code of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter secondary address: address: state State of the supporter's secondary address
Supporter sign-up address: GB house name GB house name of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: GB house number GB house number of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: GB street name GB street name of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: Geo-coordinates Latitude Latitude of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: Geo-coordinates Longitude Longitude of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: city City of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: country name Country name of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: country two-letter code Two-letter country code of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: line 1 Line 1 of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: line 2 Line 2 of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: post or zip code Post or zip code of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter sign-up address: state State of the supporter's sign-up address
Supporter title Title of the supporter
Team Campaign Manager's first name First name of the team campaign manager
Team Campaign Manager's last name Last name of the team campaign manager
Team Campaign Manager's user code User code of the team campaign manager
Team Campaign Manager's username Username of the team campaign manager
Team Locations, comma-separated Team locations, comma-separated
Team lead's first name First name of the team lead
Team lead's last name Last name of the team lead
Team lead's user code User code of the team lead
Team lead's username Username of the team lead
Team's timezone Timezone of the team
Tied funding? Indicates if funding is tied
Title/Salutation (other data) Other data for title/salutation
Unique identifier Unique identifier
Validation Outcome: Contact Made? Indicates if contact was made for the validation outcome
Validation Outcome: Name Name of the validation outcome
Validation Outcome: Status Status of the validation outcome
Video Contact Consent Consent for video contact
Was exported with high security? Indicates if it was exported with high security
Work Phone Contact Consent Consent for work phone contact
JavaScript Custom JavaScript


Basic Information

Source Description
Blank Placeholder or empty field
Date Date information
Export Date/time of the GPG encrypted export run, blank until run
Frontliner Active? Indicates if the frontliner is active
Frontliner Email Address Email address of the frontliner
Frontliner External Reference External reference for the frontliner
Frontliner First Name First name of the frontliner
Frontliner Last Name Last name of the frontliner
Frontliner Level Level or rank of the frontliner
Frontliner Phone Number Phone number of the frontliner
Frontliner User Code User code of the frontliner
Frontliner User ID User ID of the frontliner
Frontliner Username Username of the frontliner
Name of Frontliner's Office Name of the frontliner's office

Manager Information

Source Description
Manager Active? Indicates if the manager is active
Manager's Email Address Email address of the manager
Manager's First Name First name of the manager
Manager's Last Name Last name of the manager
Manager's Phone Number Phone number of the manager
Manager's User Code User code of the manager
Manager's User Name Username of the manager

Performance Metrics

Source Description
Number of Hours Worked Total number of hours worked
Number of Interaction Hours Total number of interaction hours
Pay Unit Unit of payment (e.g., hourly, daily)
Payment Amount Per Day Payment amount per day
Payment Amount Per Hour Payment amount per hour
Row Number Row number in the dataset
Timesheet Hours for "Test %" Timesheet hours for "Test %"
Timesheet Hours for "Training hours" Timesheet hours for training
Total Timesheet Hours Total timesheet hours
JavaScript Custom JavaScript applied