List of Liquid Template Elements¶
This document provides a comprehensive list of data fields that can be used to dynamically generate filenames through liquid templates, offering flexibility and customization for managing and exporting data.
{{pledge.supporter_lastname}}_{{pledge.supporter_firstname}}_{{pledge.created_at | date:"%Y%m%d"}}.png
Pledge Elements¶
Element | Description |
account_id |
Unique identifier for the account |
account_type |
Type of account |
amount |
Pledged amount |
anonymised |
Whether the pledge is anonymised |
approved_date |
Date when the pledge was approved |
automatic_export_trigger |
bank_validation |
campaign_id |
ID of the campaign associated with the pledge |
cancelled_reason |
Reason for pledge cancellation |
child_gender |
Gender of the sponsored child |
child_name |
Name of the sponsored child |
child_name_and_gender |
Combined name and gender of the child |
child_profile_number |
Profile number of the sponsored child |
child_region |
Region of the sponsored child |
child_selection |
Method of child selection |
child_sponsorship |
consumer_price_index |
contact_consents |
Consent information for contact |
contact_preferences |
Contact preferences of the supporter |
created_at |
Date when the pledge was created |
credit_card_bin |
Bank Identification Number (BIN) for credit card |
credit_card_failed_validations |
Number of failed credit card validations |
credit_card_uuid |
Unique identifier for the credit card |
currency_locale |
Currency locale of the pledge |
custom_1 |
Custom field 1 |
custom_2 |
Custom field 2 |
custom_3 |
Custom field 3 |
custom_4 |
Custom field 4 |
custom_5 |
Custom field 5 |
debit_communications |
Communications related to debit transactions |
debit_tax |
Tax applied to debit transactions |
delivery_status |
Status of delivery for communications |
direct_debit_account_number |
Direct debit account number |
direct_debit_bsb |
Bank-State-Branch (BSB) number |
direct_debit_failed_validations |
Number of failed direct debit validations |
direct_debit_financial_institution |
Name of the direct debit financial institution |
direct_debit_iban |
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) |
direct_debit_iban_details |
Details of the IBAN |
direct_debit_name |
Account holder’s name for direct debit |
direct_debit_swift |
SWIFT/BIC code for direct debit |
direct_debit_swift_details |
Details of the SWIFT code |
direct_debit_type |
Type of direct debit |
direct_debit_validation_status |
Status of direct debit validation |
export_reference_number |
Unique reference number for exports |
exported_high_security_at |
Date and time of high-security export |
exported_low_security_at |
Date and time of low-security export |
external_reference_number |
External reference number |
flagged_address |
Indicates if the address has been flagged |
fundraiser_code |
Code for the associated fundraiser |
fundraiser_score |
Score assigned to the fundraiser |
gift_aid |
Whether gift aid has been applied |
gifts |
Information on gifts associated with the pledge |
global_version |
Version of the global pledge data |
has_valid_direct_debit |
Flag indicating if direct debit is valid |
have_heard_of |
Indicates if the supporter has heard of the campaign |
highsec_export_error |
Errors related to high-security exports |
id |
Unique identifier for the pledge |
id_type_sighted |
Type of identification sighted |
interested_in_volunteering |
Indicates if the supporter is interested in volunteering |
is_lead |
Indicates if this is a lead record |
latitude |
Latitude for the supporter’s location |
location |
Location details of the supporter |
location_type |
Type of location (e.g., home, work) |
longitude |
Longitude for the supporter’s location |
lowsec_export_error |
Errors related to low-security exports |
mob_phone |
Mobile phone number of the supporter |
mothership_validation_contact_made |
Contact made for mothership validation |
mothership_validation_detail_by |
Details of who validated the contact |
mothership_validation_detail_comment |
Comment on validation |
mothership_validation_detail_date |
Date of validation |
mothership_validation_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for validation |
override_reporting_week |
Override value for the reporting week |
payment_day |
Day of the month for payment processing |
payment_gateway_token |
Token used by the payment gateway |
payment_method |
Method of payment for the pledge |
payment_month |
Month for payment processing |
payments_count |
Total number of payments made |
personal_identification_number |
Personal Identification Number (PIN) |
phone |
Phone number of the supporter |
pledge.per_campaign_serial_number_formatted |
Formatted serial number for the pledge | |
Names of events associated with the pledge |
prefers_email_updates |
Preference for receiving email updates |
receive_communication |
regular_giving |
Flag indicating regular giving status |
reporting_week |
Reporting week for the pledge |
reporting_week_year |
Reporting year for the pledge |
share_details_with_other_organisations |
Flag indicating if details are shared with other organizations |
shopping_centre |
Associated shopping centre |
date |
Start date of the pledge |
state |
State of the supporter’s address |
supporter_age_at_creation |
Age of the supporter at the time of pledge creation |
supporter_dob |
Date of birth of the supporter |
supporter_email |
Email address of the supporter |
supporter_firstname |
First name of the supporter |
supporter_gender |
Gender of the supporter |
supporter_incomes |
Incomes reported by the supporter |
supporter_interested_in |
Interests reported by the supporter |
supporter_language |
Preferred language of the supporter |
supporter_lastname |
Last name of the supporter |
supporter_pref_comms |
Preferred method of communication |
supporter_profession |
Profession of the supporter |
supporter_title |
Title of the supporter |
survey |
Survey details related to the pledge |
team_id |
ID of the team associated with the pledge |
team_leader_code |
Code of the team leader |
team_manager_code |
Code of the team manager |
tied_funding |
Indicates if the pledge is tied to specific funding |
transaction_type |
Type of transaction |
unique_identifier |
Unique identifier for the pledge |
updated_at |
Date when the pledge was last updated |
user_id |
ID of the user |
validation_contact_made |
Indicates if contact was made for validation |
validation_detail_by |
validation_detail_comment |
Comment on the validation |
validation_detail_date |
Date of the validation |
validation_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for the validation |
work_phone |
Work phone number |
comments |
Additional comments on the pledge |
Campaign Elements¶
Element | Description |
account_id |
Unique identifier for the account |
active |
Status indicating if the campaign is active |
allow_instant_payments |
Flag indicating if instant payments are allowed |
allow_prepaid_cards |
Flag indicating if prepaid cards are allowed |
alternative_languages |
Supported alternative languages for the campaign |
amount_pledges |
Total amount pledged in the campaign |
append_export_reference_prefix_to_export_filename |
Option to append reference prefix to export filenames |
attach_sepa_receipt_to_welcome_email |
Flag to attach SEPA receipt to the welcome email |
auto_export_cron_custom_lowsec |
Cron schedule for automatic export of low-security data |
auto_export_cron_highsec |
Cron schedule for automatic export of high-security data |
auto_export_query_custom_lowsec |
Custom query for exporting low-security data |
auto_export_query_highsec |
Query for exporting high-security data |
auto_export_sftp_custom_lowsec |
SFTP export settings for low-security data |
auto_export_sftp_highsec |
SFTP export settings for high-security data |
avoid_stalkers |
Flag to avoid stalker-related situations |
charity |
The charity organization associated with the campaign |
child_regions_set_name |
Name of the set of regions for child sponsorship |
contact_preferences_options |
Available contact preference options |
country |
The country the campaign is being conducted in |
created_at |
Date the campaign was created |
custom_1_set_name |
Name of the first custom set |
custom_2_set_name |
Name of the second custom set |
custom_3_set_name |
Name of the third custom set |
custom_4_set_name |
Name of the fourth custom set |
custom_5_set_name |
Name of the fifth custom set |
custom_css |
Custom CSS styling for the campaign |
custom_high_security_triage_processor |
Custom processor for high-security triage |
donation_monthly_debit_day |
Day of the month for processing monthly donations |
enable_add_another_button |
Option to enable the "add another" button |
enable_child_selection_form |
Option to enable the child selection form |
enable_human_filename |
Option to enable human-readable filenames |
enable_sftp_export |
Option to enable SFTP export |
enable_supporter_photo |
Flag to enable supporter photo collection |
enable_terms_and_conditions |
Flag to enable terms and conditions |
end_date |
End date of the campaign |
export_filename_prefix |
Prefix to use for export filenames |
export_notification_recipient |
Recipient of export notifications |
export_reference_prefix |
Prefix to append to the export reference number |
exporter_klass_name |
Class name for the exporter being used |
fundraisers_called |
Number of fundraisers called |
gpg_key_recipient |
Recipient of the GPG key for encryption |
gpg_public_key |
Public key used for encryption |
human_filename_format |
Format of the human-readable filenames |
id |
Unique identifier for the campaign |
id_types_set_name |
Name of the set for identification types |
incomes_set_name |
Name of the set for supporter incomes |
interests_set_name |
Name of the set for supporter interests |
invoicing_account_id |
ID of the invoicing account |
is_lead_campaign |
Indicates if this is a lead campaign |
last_auto_export_custom_lowsec |
Date of the last automatic export for low-security data |
last_auto_export_highsec |
Date of the last automatic export for high-security data |
locale |
Locale setting for the campaign |
location_types_set_name |
Name of the set for location types |
lock_form_with_signature |
Option to lock the form with a signature |
lowsec_exporter_klass_name |
Class name for the low-security exporter |
lowsec_exporter_klass_name_2 |
Class name for the second low-security exporter |
lowsec_exporter_klass_name_3 |
Class name for the third low-security exporter |
lowsec_exporter_klass_name_4 |
Class name for the fourth low-security exporter |
name |
Name of the campaign |
other_payment_type_validation_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for other payment type validation |
padding |
Padding setting for the campaign |
payment_gateway_id |
ID of the payment gateway |
professions_set_name |
Name of the set for supporter professions |
regular_giving_sms_id |
ID used for regular giving via SMS |
run_all_high_sec_exporters |
Flag to run all high-security exporters |
scheduled_anonymisation_enabled |
Flag to enable scheduled anonymisation |
send_sms_after |
Time to send SMS after certain actions |
sepa_id |
SEPA identifier for the campaign |
sftp_host |
Host for SFTP export |
sftp_path |
Path for SFTP export |
sftp_port |
Port for SFTP export |
sftp_username |
Username for SFTP export |
shopping_centres_set_name |
Name of the set for shopping centres |
signature_export_format |
Format for exporting signatures |
sms_send_as_unicode |
Flag to send SMS as Unicode |
sms_sender |
Sender ID for SMS messages |
start_date |
Start date of the campaign |
title_salutations_set_name |
Name of the set for title salutations |
transaction_approved_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for approved transactions |
transaction_declined_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for declined transactions |
transaction_none_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for transactions with no response |
transaction_types |
Types of transactions supported |
updated_at |
Date when the campaign was last updated |
validate_card_with_authvoid |
Option to validate card with authorization void |
void_validation_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for voided validation |
workflow |
Workflow associated with the campaign |
workflow_validation_outcome_id |
Outcome ID for workflow validation |
anonymise_older_than_months |
Number of months after which to anonymise data |
Team Elements¶
Element | Description |
campaign_id |
ID of the campaign associated with the team |
campaign_manager_id |
ID of the campaign manager |
created_at |
Date when the team was created |
from_date |
Start date for team activity |
id |
Unique identifier for the team |
interaction_category_id |
ID of the interaction category associated with the team |
leadname |
Name of the team lead |
respawn |
Flag indicating if the team has been respawned | |
Names of events associated with the team pledge |
status |
Current status of the team |
time_zone |
Time zone of the team |
to_date |
End date for team activity |
updated_at |
Date when the team details were last updated |
office_id |
ID of the office associated with the team |
User Elements¶
Element | Description |
account_id |
Unique identifier for the user's account |
account_main_admin |
Flag indicating if the user is the main admin |
active |
User active status |
can_only_view_campaign_id |
Restriction on viewing only a specific campaign |
created_at |
Date when the user account was created |
disable_pledge_edit |
Flag to disable pledge editing |
email |
Email address of the user |
first_name |
First name of the user |
id |
Unique identifier for the user |
last_name |
Last name of the user |
level |
Access level of the user |
manager_id |
ID of the user's manager |
office_id |
ID of the office associated with the user |
phone |
Phone number of the user |
ui_locale |
Locale setting for the user interface |
updated_at |
Date when the user details were last updated |
user_code |
Code associated with the user |
username |
Username of the user |
form_constraints |
Constraints applied to forms accessed by the user |
Office Elements¶
Element | Description |
account_id |
Unique identifier for the office account |
created_at |
Date when the office was created |
id |
Unique identifier for the office |
name |
Name of the office |
ui_locale |
Locale settings for the office |
updated_at |
Date when the office details were last updated |